How to Use Up Your Odds And Ends

March 4, 2021
by Hattie Sustainability

Here at HelloFresh, we’ve made it our mission to reduce food waste.

That’s why our ingredients are pre-portioned and packed to reduce waste. We’ll only ever send you exactly what you need to cook your chosen recipes!


When it comes to food waste in the home, making the most of every last morsel will have a huge impact on the amount you ultimately go to throw away. If you notice your scraps and leftovers are in need of a little TLC, our chefs have shared some unique tricks to make the most of your odds and ends and make your fresh produce go that little bit further.

Cheese Rind

Cut your rind into chunks and add to soups and tomato sauces during cooking for a richer, creamier flavour. Delicious!


Whizz up leftover rosemary with salt in a food processor and leave to dry out for an easy and quick flavoured seasoning.

Coriander Stalks

Finely chop and add to soup and stews for flavour, using the leaves as a garnish.

Lemon Zest

Add lemon zest, garlic and herbs to softened butter, roll into a sausage shape in some greaseproof paper, chill and slice as needed for use as garnish to cooked potatoes or fish.


Whizz with a bit of oil in a blender and freeze as a paste in ice cube trays. 


Crystallised honey can be revitalised by microwaving it for a few seconds.

Vegetable odds and ends

Use vegetable peelings to flavour a homemade stock during the simmering stage before straining.

Broccoli Stalks

Don’t chuck the tough stalks from your greens, instead, slowly braise them in stock for a tasty side.


Dry in a low oven and store in an airtight container for ginger tea.defrost to use as toppings for pies or fish bakes.

Root Veggies

Slice very thinly and deep-fry in 190°C oil until golden. Season with salt for homemade crisps.

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