The Fresh Faces


How to Make Polenta

How to cook August 8, 2023

If you've ever seen polenta topped with slow-cooked Italian sauces, tucked into a slice of orange polenta cake, or snacked on a crunchy polenta chip, you've probably come away wondering – (...)

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How to ripen bananas faster

How to cook July 27, 2023

Buying green bananas can seem like a sensible choice sometimes – that way, they're at the perfect level of ripeness when it comes time to use them. But what if your (...)

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How to Cook Lamb

How to cook July 26, 2023

You might only make it for Easter or springtime, but lamb is a delicious and fragrant substitute for more familiar meats. Whether you’re cooking it mid-week or serving it (...)

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How to Cook Cavolo Nero

How to cook June 20, 2023

Cavolo nero, otherwise known as ‘Italian kale’, is packed full of nutrients that our body needs. Not only can it benefit us, but it also tastes delicious when added to (...)

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How to Cook Tenderstem Broccoli

How to cook June 20, 2023

Broccoli, Bellaverde broccoli, broccoli spears, Tenderstem… if you're into your brassicas, there's a lot of choice out there. Although it's easy to think they're all the same, just with a (...)

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How to Make Curry Less Spicy

How to cook June 20, 2023

Imagine spending time and effort on making an incredible curry, but after a quick taste to check the seasoning, there's a problem. Those simmering spices can develop more than expected, (...)

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How to Cook Samphire

How to cook June 20, 2023

The fleshy green vegetable, samphire, has soared in popularity in recent years, aided by cooking shows including Saturday Kitchen and Sunday Brunch. In fact, in 2016 sales of samphire in Tesco (...)

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How to Roast Peppers

How to cook June 12, 2023

Roasted peppers are a fantastic side dish on their own. The roasting process brings out the intense flavours of this juicy and crunchy vegetable. Cooking red, green, and yellow bell (...)

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How to Ripen Tomatoes

How to cook June 7, 2023

Tomatoes are a staple ingredient in a huge variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. From full English breakfasts, to quiches, risottos, curries and salads, tomatoes are essential. The tastiness (...)

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How to Cook Sausages

How to cook June 7, 2023

Renowned for their convenience and great taste, sausages are a household staple and family favourite in most homes across the UK. Thought to have been created over 5,000 years ago in (...)

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