Chef Andre’s Favourite Childhood Recipe: Tarte Tatin

January 29, 2017
by Alex Curtis Eat


    As you can see, our chef Andre is still a child at heart. His parents are French, so when I asked him what his favourite childhood recipe was, he didn’t even have to think. Move over apple crumble – this buttery tarte tatin is the new winner.



    • 7 medium apples, preferably Cox
    • 200g white sugar
    • 50g butter
    • 175g shortcrust pastry


    1. Peel, halve and core the apples. Chill them in the fridge overnight.
    2. You’ll need a pan with a thick base to stop the sugar from burning. Add the sugar into it along with your water. Cook it at a medium high heat until it’s a bit sticky. Don’t stir too much as this might cause the sugar to crystallise. Turn off the heat and mix your salt and butter in until thoroughly mixed. Add your apples into the mix with the curved part of the apple facing down. Put back on a medium high heat. Cook for another 8 minutes. Then allow to cool.
    3. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 200C. Roll out the pastry to 5mm thick, and cut into a circle – it must be a bit larger than your pan so you can tuck it under the apple. Chill pastry in the fridge until ready to use.
    4. Put the pastry on top of the pan and tuck in the edges around the apple. Watch your fingers – they shouldn’t have to touch the caramel. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes until the pastry is golden. Allow to cool for 5 minutes, then place a plate larger than your pan on top of the pan. Here’s the tricky bit… put on some oven gloves and turn the tart on to the plate. Serve this with vanilla ice cream.

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